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berserk - まふまふ
2018. 1.31 -Bloodmoon-
8-mora powerscale bank, natural tone, 6 pitches (A3, C4, F#4, G4, A4, C5)
Flags/Resampler: B0Y0H0F1 / fresampler, moresampler
- glottal stops - rolling r's
- english r's & l's - breaths (x R, br, 息)
Artwork by
* These are older voicebanks that will no longer be updated.
However, they are still available for download.
2013. 11.01 Rage
チルドレンレコード - じん
00:00 / 00:00
5-pitch kire bank, angry/shouting voice
Flags/Resampler: B0Y0H0F1 / fresampler
2014. 9.14 Radiant
palette - team adobo
00:00 / 00:00
4-pitch power bank, sharp/vibrant tone, retake of RAGE vb
Flags/Resampler: B0Y0H0F1 / fresampler
2013. 12.25 Merry
ヒビカセ - giga-p
00:00 / 00:00
4-pitch lite vcv bank, childish tone
Flags/Resampler: B0Y0H0F1g-3 / fresampler
2013. 6.26 Estelle
カゲロウデイズ - じん (cover by mira)
00:00 / 00:00
Mono-pitch VCV, vivd tone
Flags/Resampler: B0Y0H0F1 / fresampler
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